Thursday, August 27, 2015

How To: Clean your Makeup Brushes

 I wear makeup at least 6/7 days a some fashion. Over time I can tell when my brushes have had enough. Luckily there is a great way to clean them naturally and not have to use harsh chemicals. I've been thinking about this for weeks now and I thought I'd share how I clean my brushes. I'd like to say I do this more often, but time slips past me and then it's weeks before I get around to it. So today I cleaned them!! Boy oh boy do they smell fresh and look lovely. It's funny how easily you can tell what each brush is used for, just by the color the soap turns. I use Dr. Bronners castile soap in peppermint to clean my brushes. You can use whatever scent you have around, but this one is the hubs and I's favorite. 

Step 1
Rinse your brushes under warm/hot water
This just helps to break up and soften some of the existing makeup left behind in your brush.

Step 2
Pour a nickel amount of soap in the palm of your hand. 
Take your wet brush and start working the soap into the bristles in a circular motion. I also like to squeeze out the soap every now and then to rid the brush of makeup before I rinse. 
Ewww!!! Gross right?!!! Once you've lathered your brush up rinse that sucker out. 

Step 3 
Repeat step 2 for bigger, more bristly brushes. Sometimes they really hold in caked on makeup. 

Step 4
Once you've lathered and rinsed your brush clean, get a clean towel and dry your brush using the same circular motion as before. 

Step 5
Reshape your brush and set them out on a towel to dry overnight. I recommend a good twelve hours of drying time. If you can leave your brushes out longer, even better.  

And voilá!! Clean brushes!!! Oh and don't forget to smell then, they smell so clean and fresh!! 

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